Blog Post 405

Chris Cooper
1 min readMay 4, 2020
  1. Discuss in words something you learned in class today or this week.

How to create authentication capabilities and dynamic forms.

2. What is SPA (Single Page Application) in Angular? Contrast SPA technology with traditional web technology?

An SPA is a web application that fits on a single page rather than the more traditional Multi-Page Websites. In an SPA, different content can reside in different ‘states’ of the page, instead of requiring a new page. One modern example of an SPA that many Internet users are familiar with is Gmail.

3. What is the process called by which TypeScript code is converted into JavaScript code?


4. Why prioritize TypeScript over JavaScript in Angular?

Angular is built using TypeScript which brings many benefits to the table such as: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. TypeScript is not its own stand-alone language like CoffeeScript, Dart or others and that’s super powerful. … TypeScript provides support for types (primitives, interfaces, and other custom types).



Chris Cooper

An avid learner, writer, and creator that seeks to bring out the best in himself and others : )